Elsynge Road

Elsynge Road

New build semi-detached family homes

The pressure was on when d u s t was approached to design a contemporary new-build, two-family home off Elsynge Road – situated in a conservation area in Wandsworth the road is an eclectic showcase of Victorian townhouses, mansions and terraces built in the early 1850s. The clients - an unusual case of two neighbours joining forces for the project - wanted a contemporary two storey design to replace their existing Victorian bungalow. The challenge lay in coming up with a proposal that lived up to the historic buildings around it and sensitively responded to the surrounding gardens. Our team devised a design for a carefully considered and sculpted house that sits within the leafy interior of the surrounding urban block, blending into its surroundings through its form and timber-clad outer shell. It was an extremely contentious proposal that faced a lot of opposition in the area, but we eventually secured planning consent. The home has been designed and constructed with a strong adherence to sustainable building principles; a frame of a glulam timber, responsibly sourced materials and integrated use of renewables meets our clients’ wish for an energy-efficient, modern home.

type: residential
date: jan 2019
client: private
status: completed
images: George Sharman
team: Jan Dobrowolski
Anna Karlsdottir
Felicity Holmes
Alex Palmer
Maria Perezagua